Week 13 - 15th June
Wednesday 17th June 2020
Morning all!
We hope our children in school and at home have had a great week.
We have had a brilliant start to our Topic and we are looking forward to learning more about minibeasts.
Here are todays challenges for Friday 19th June.
Maths Challenge
Counting on – Start with a group of 5 objects. Ask your child to count out the 5 objects, when they are happy there are 5, give the child 2 more. Remind the child that there are still 5 objects in the first group, so they can start with the number 5 (without recounting them) Then count on from 5 to find the total. Repeat adding 3 then 4 more objects.
Literacy Challenge
Using your story map write about the key parts of the story.
Challenge yourself, try to write sentences with some describing words. If you are struggling to write full sentences, make a list of key words.
Topic Challenge
Describing game – Use words to describe a minibeast and your partner tries to guess what the mini beast is. How many clues do they need to get it correct?
Eg. It has 8 legs / it has bright wings/ it has a yellow and black body etc.
Have fun!
Thank you.
The Reception Team
Wednesday 17th June 2020
Morning everyone ๐
We hope you have been enjoying the challenges so far this week. We have seen some amazing work being shared on tapestry.
We have loved being able to go outside into our areas looking for minibeasts. It has been very exciting to see lots of different ones. The children have really enjoyed doing this.
Here are the challenges for Wednesday 17th June.
Numeracy challenge : Number bonds to 10
Continue practising your number bonds to 10 but this time use different objects. Perhaps use natural resources from outside like stones, twigs etc or you might even have some small, plastic minibeasts to use. The same rules apply as before, split the objects into 2 groups, count each group first and then count them all together again to make sure they total 10.
Literacy Challenge : Story map
Together create a story map for the story “What the ladybird heard” which you read on Monday. (A story map is just a series of pictures/drawings telling the main points of a story). Think about what happened at the beginning of the story, in the middle and at the end. Use pictures to retell what happened.
Topic Challenge : Minibeast hunt
Go outdoors and go on a minibeast hunt to see what you can find. Take a small pot with you or a net and a white cloth. When you have finished, carefully place all your minibeasts on your white cloth so you can study them. They will show up better on a white background.
Remember to share your amazing work on Tapestry.
Have fun!
Stay safe and well
Reception Team ๐ฆ๐ฆ๐
Monday 15th June 2020
Good morning everybody. We hope you are all well and have enjoyed the sunshine over the weekend and managed to get outdoors.
Thank you for all the pictures and videos you are sending. It is fantastic to see how well our home learners are engaged in their challenges.
This week starts our termly topic of “Why Does a Ladybird have Spots?” ๐Until the end of term, our learning will be around minibeasts and insects. This encourages lots of outdoor learning and discussion about the lives of insects which the children might not usually get to see. Please check on our Reception class page for our home learning topic web for more ideas to use throughout the week. As usual, please remember to share all your child’s pictures and videos as we would love to see how they get on. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need any help.
Here are the challenges for Monday 15th June.
Numeracy challenge : Number bonds to 10
Give your child a selection of 10 objects and ask them to count them. Then ask them to split the objects into 2 groups. Ask them to count how many are in each group first and then to count the objects together again. It is a good idea to write these numbers down so they can see every time these 2 groups of numbers always total 10. How many other ways can the objects be split (eg 5and5, 6and4, 7and3 etc)?
Literacy challenge : Act out a story
Together read the story “What the ladybird heard” ๐ by Julia Donaldson. Don’t worry if you haven’t got a copy, it is available on YouTube. Here is the link https://youtu.be/Mq_Pee53RpE
Once you have read or listened to the story, act it out together.
Topic Challenge : Mind map
Ask you child “what is a minibeast”? Together create a mind map of what they think a minibeast is. A mind map is just one word in the middle of a sheet of paper (in this case minibeasts) with ideas just branching off around the key word. Ask them to use the names of any minibeasts they might know and to use describing words to say how they might look, move or feel. Remind them to Fred talk any words which they write. Finally, can the minibeasts be sorted into groups? If so, how?
We hope you have great fun with your minibeast challenges๐๐๐ท.
Stay safe and well
Reception Team