Spelling test:
All children will receive a yellow home spelling booklet. The children will receive 5 individual spellings each week to go home and practice. Every Wednesday, the children will be tested on these spellings. If they get all spellings correct, they will receive 5 new spellings. If they get some incorrect, they will have an opportunity to practice these again and to be tested again the following week. If the children get all spellings correct, they will receive two housepoints.
As part of the curriculum, children are expected to be able to read and spell a list of common exception words below by the end of year 3/4. At SFH, teachers deliver spelling sessions 3 times a week to ensure that children know the spelling rules and patterns to read and spell each word with confidence. The year 3 team have uploaded these spellings below, so children are able to practice these common exception words at home along with their additional, individual 5 spellings.
Autumn 1 Spellings
Autumn 2 spellings