Week 16 6th July - 10th July
Week 16 - 6th-10th July Communication
Week 16 - BBC Bitesize Sports Week
Week 16 - Maths Multiplication & Division
Extra Maths - Multiplcation and Division
Week 16 - English Food Poetry
English - Monday 6th July
This week we are going to look at poetry, and look at food poetry still linked to our topic ‘Scrumdiddlyumptious.’
To start with listen to the poem ‘Chocolate Cake’ by Michael Rosen. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zp9b4wx
Can you research and find other poems all about food. Click on the link above with food poem examples (my favourite is Spaghetti, Spahetti).
Read the poems and find your favourite poem. Like some of you did when you were at the Drama Festival – can you recite and perform your poem using expression in your voice and using facial expression to tell the story of the poem.
Think about the techniques the poet has used – Does your favourite food poem include:
- alliteration
- onomatopoeia
- simile
- rhyming couplets
- pattern
- Metaphor
Tuesday 7th July - To plan and prepare a shape poem with the theme food.
Did you choose a favourite poem and perform it?
Today task - think of a food that has an interesting shape and you are going to produce a shape poem about that food tomorrow. It could be spaghetti, strawberry, pineapple, banana. To prepare you for writing your poem, watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/RRG0WBGLvyM
Now you have thought about your food, think about adjectives, similes you could use to create a shape poem. What else could you add? Today; generate some good words to describe your food. Think about the taste, smell, feel, looks, sounds. Think of some alliteration, (slimy spaghetti spins and twist, sliding and slurping) onomatopoeia (slurp, slosh, pop, crunch,).
Create a bank of ideas today.
Wednesday 8th July - To write a shape poem
Using the words and ideas to describe the food using your senses and adding in alliteration and onomatopoeia write your shape poem and finish your work off with illustrations and colours.
Food Poetry Examples
Thursday 9th - Poetry Reading Comprehension
English Friday 10th July (Clue to our first topic of Year 4)
Look at the pictures on the documents above and these will give you a clue to our first topic of Year 4. The Year 4 teachers are very excited about this topic!
Choose either picture and you can choose any of the activities on the sheets.
You could use the story starters to write your own story about the pictures.
It was a beautiful, clear day, and the three divers plunged into the water… (What happens next?)
The pod travelled everywhere together. Moving as one through the ice-cold, northern waters, they began to stalk their prey… (What happens next?)
Science - Investigate Which is the Juicest Fruit?
Music - Week 16 - Food Glorious Food
Listen to the song – ‘Food Glorious Food’ from the musical called ‘Oliver.’
Think about the meaning of the words and try to learn the song to sing.
Here are some examples of the song from the film and from the stage production:
Film Example
On Stage Example
Week 16 - Juan Miro Automatic Drawing and Surrealism
Instructions for the task: Week 16 - Art Work inspired by Juan Miro
This week we are going to try some 'automatic drawing,' inspired by the Spanish artist Juan Miro.
1. Click on the document links to find out more about Juan Miro.
2. Follow the video link and follow the lesson to produce your own 'automatic drawing.'
3. Share your work with us.
4. There is an extra colouring sheet for you as an extension.