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Sir Francis Hill Community Primary School

'Learn, Achieve, Succeed'


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Good Morning Nursery,
That's another week of home learning completed! Well done everyonesmiley


For today's writing activity we want you to practice writing your name and recognising those letters.
Start by playing the bubble game from Monday, but instead of using numbers, write a letter from your name in each bubble. Put them on the floor randomly then see if you "pop" the bubbles in the right order to spell your name! Mix up the bubbles and have a few goes at this.
When you are worn out, have a go at writing your name. You can do this outside with chalks, on paper with pens or paints. You could even find some natural objects to make the different letter shapes! If you want a challenge, try your last name or the names of the people in your house.



Our Maths activity today is a nice simple one. Go and find your bubbles and ask a grown up to blow some in the air. Your job is to pop them, one at a time and count how many you pop!


This last bubbly activity is one of my favourite ways to paint!
Get a plastic container with a lid. 
Add some washing up liquid, a tiny bit of water and some paint, or food colouring.
Pop the lid on and give it a big shake!
Take the lid off and gently put a piece of paper on the bubbles.
Repeat it until the paper is full of bubble paint.

You can also use a straw to blow the bubbles instead of shaking the container.
Leave your bubble art to dry and then display it, you could cut it into shapes and decorate it.



Don't forget to send us some photos on Tapestry to show off your fabulous home learning!


Next week we will be starting our bigger topic which will last for most of the term.
It is called How High Can You Jump and is all about sport, movement and physical activity!

I will put some more information about this topic on here on Monday.


Have a relaxing weekend, stay safe, be kind and be helpful!
From the Nursery Team
