Wow Nursery, we have made it to the last week of term, and what an unusual term it has been!
Home learning this week will be focusing on moving on from Nursery into Reception and a little bit of Summer too!
Our story this week is Harry and His Bucketful of Dinosaurs. I know that a lot of you love the Harry series and we love dinosaur play in Nursery! Have a read of this story and have a think about the questions below.
How does Harry feel throughout the story and how are you feeling when you think about starting a new class?
How did Harry treat the new boy who was upset when his mummy left? How was Harry being a good friend to the new boy?
What do you think makes a good friend and how can we make people feel happy if they are feeling sad?
This week we are thinking about shape! Can you name any of the 2d (flat) shapes on the poster below? (Don't worry about all the "gon" shapes)
Go on a 2D shape hunt today. Can you find any of the shapes? A window might be a rectangle, a plug socket might be a square etc.
2D Shapes
For your last activity we want you to look carefully at yourself because you are going to do something called a self portrait! A self portrait is a drawing of yourself.
Have a really good look at yourself in a mirror, a REALLY good look.
Look at the shape of your head, is it long, round?
Then look at your eyes, what shape are they? What colour are they?
Look at your nose and your mouth and your ears.
Finally have a look at your eye brows, eye lashes and hair. Do you have freckles?
Do you look like your grown up? What is the same and what is different?
Now, we'd like you to have a go at drawing yourself, keep looking in the mirror to help you!
If you are going out on a walk to a woods or playing in your garden today, see if you can make a face out of natural objects, stones for eyes, grass or sticks for hair etc
Have a lovely day and remember to send us some of your learning on Tapestry if you can
From Mrs Hempstead and the Nursery Team