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Sir Francis Hill Community Primary School

'Learn, Achieve, Succeed'


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Spring Term Home Learning Days 1 & 2

Children learn through play, finding out, exploring, watching and copying others. 

Any activities and opportunities you provide are all learning experiences for your child.

Exposure to lots of talk, conversations, books, games and day to day experiences are all valuable to your developing child.


Our current term's topic is Growing Have a go at some of these activities over the next couple of days.

We are now in the season of Spring! Talk with your grown up about Spring and the other seasons in the year. 

-What are the signs that Spring is here?

-Look out of the window or go into the garden. Can you see, hear, smell or feel that Spring has arrived?

-You could take some pictures or draw some pictures of the signs of Spring.



If you can, collect some items from the garden, or from around your house.

-Sort your collection by colour, shape, size etc.

-Try counting the objects, can you give your grown up two? Can you give them five?

Remember it's easier if you put the objects in a line and use your counting finger!

-How many would you have if you add 1 more? Or if you took 1 away? 



 Name practise time! 

-Can you recognise your name?

 See if you can spot it if your grown up writes family names on different pieces of paper.

 Jumble them up and try again.

 -What is the sound at the beginning of your name? What does it look like? Is it a curly letter or a

 straight letter?

Practise writing your name. You could do this by writing over the letters written for you by an adult or copying them yourself.



Story time!

-Choose a book to share together. How do we hold a book? Can you turn the pages 


-Do you have any books about Spring at home? You could have a look on YouTube for a Spring story or information book.



Discuss how we as humans grow. Look at the differences between yourself, your siblings and the grown-ups in your family. Think about how these changes happen. Try using your strong finger muscles to colour the pictures below and to complete the scissor skills activity. If you don't have access to a printer, try creating your own drawings of different people in your family. Think about their different heights as you draw. Ask a grown up to draw different lines for you to practise cutting along.

Using the pictures on the document below, can you learn the names of the different parts of a flower? If you can, go out into your garden to look for the flower parts you have learned. With the help of a grown up, cut out the flower parts and stick them together in the correct places to create your own flower. If you do not have access to a printer, try drawing your own flower thinking carefully to make sure you include each flower part.

Jack and the Beanstalk - The Children's Story

In this video, we present: JACK AND THE BEANSTALK."Jack and the Beanstalk" is an English fairy tale.Jack, a poor country boy, trades the family cow for a han...

Jasper's Beanstalk

By Nick Butterworth and Mick InkpenPublished by Hodder Children's Books
