It's Friday again, time is really flying by!
Have a go at these activities to finish off you week.
Name Writing-Practise writing your name, if you can do your first name, then have a go at your surname and the names of people that are special to you.
You can do this however you like, you don't need to use pens and paper if you don't want to! Pick one of the ways below to try out, or come up with your own way.
Examples of name writing practise
Today's Maths challenge is a sporty one! Ask your grown up to time 20 seconds.
Choose and action, such as marching, star jumps, hopping etc
Estimate how many you think you can do in the time then start.
Count each one you do until your time is up!
How many did you manage to do? Chat to your grown up, did you do more or less than you estimated?
Try a different action.
Test out your family. Who did the most? Who did the least? Can you beat your score?
Don't forget our Science work from the beginning of the week. Check how your body is changing as you exercise.
Today's creative activity is one that the children in Nursery have been doing this week, some
observational drawings of sport's equipment. All you need to do is collect any sports equipment that you might have, different balls, bats, skipping ropes, weights, trampoline etc Have a really good look and feel of the equipment.
Talk to your grown up about it.
Does it have handles? Does it have holes? Is it long? What shape is it? Now have a go at drawing one or two pieces of equipment. Go really slow and remember to keep looking at the piece you have chosen to draw so you don't miss anything off your picture.
Look at the gallery to see how well the children in school did on this activity!
Don't forget to send us any pictures of comments on Tapestry so we can celebrate your learning with you.
Have super weekend together and enjoy the sunshine!
from Mrs Hempstead and the Nursery Team