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Sir Francis Hill Community Primary School

'Learn, Achieve, Succeed'


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Read Write Inc (RWI)

We are very excited about using RWI and hope to see children at our school continue to make good progress in reading.

From Nursery to Year 2, children will learn how to read using Read Write Inc. Please follow the link to find out more about the program.


In Reception we shall be running some workshops about how RWI works so you can support your child. A letter giving the date & time of the first workshop will be sent out.  We shall be running a number of RWI workshops throughout the year so you can see the progress your child is making. In addition to these workshops, we shall be inviting you to come and watch a phonics session in action!

Your child may come home and do 'Fred Talk' or 'Fred in your head' and 'special friends'. Don't worry, you will soon become familiar with them too, but in the meantime, if you have any further questions, please see me or your child's teacher. 



RWInc Workshop PowerPoint Presentation
