Hello Nursery!
Today's Literacy activity is about the stories of Julia Donaldson. What stories do you know that she has written? We have read lots of these in Nursery before!
Have a think (there are some clues below!) and see if you can read or retell any of her stories. If you don't know any, find them on YouTube and have listen.
If you get time, why don't you draw and write about the characters or your favourite part of a story.
In Maths today we are thinking about ordinal numbers.
An ordinal number is the number given for the position you are in a race or a competition-1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th etc
Have a race with the people in your home, or get your favourite toys and pretend they are having a race. On your marks, get set go!
Who was 1st, 2nd and 3rd? You could make and award them a medal!
Look at the snail race pictures below. Can you say who looks like they are going to be 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc?
Your last activity for today is to make an obstacle course for yourself, or your family to try. Try to include different challenges like over, under, around and running, jumping, crawling.
You could time yourself, can you get faster the next time? Who is the fastest in your family?
Obstacle Course Ideas

Have a fun couple of days and don't forget to share your super learning with us!
from Mrs Hempstead and the Nursery Team.