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Using Seesaw – a guide for parents


Using Seesaw – A Guide for parents and carers

In our EYFS classes, we use Seesaw to share WOW moments in your child's learning journey and create a shared educational hub. Here is a quick guide to its main features – if you have any difficulties please do call the school and we will do our best to sort them out.

You can download the Seesaw app to your phone or tablet (see logo above) or you can go to the website:


How does Seesaw work?

Seesaw provides each individual child with their own Learning Journal held online. Parents and carers are given their own log-in using their email – you should have received a copy of your child's login. If you do not currently have access please inform school and we can resend this. Staff are given a secure log-in and they can then upload observations, photos or videos and set work, plus see any comments/observations parents have added. 
