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Sir Francis Hill Community Primary School

'Learn, Achieve, Succeed'


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Week 14 - 22nd June

Friday 26th June 2020


Good afternoon,


Just a quick reminder that there are lots of helpful links and resources on the school website under class pages and if you would like additional support for phonics at home, please see the attached link below :-


If you scroll down through the link, you find lots of other free links including stories and picture books.


Enjoy your weekend and stay safe.


Reception Home Learning


Friday 26th June 2020 

Good morning all.

Thank you for all your hard work this week everybody. 

We have loved getting involved with minibeasts in school, and seeing your work at home. 

Here are our challenges for Friday 26th June. 

Maths Challenge: Talk about symmetry, use a mirror to see how when an object is put up against it, the mirror shows the same image. Draw a simple outline of a butterfly and ask your child to paint just one side. While the paint is still wet fold the picture in half, showing the other side of the butterfly looks the same. 


Literacy Challenge: Using your story map, write about the key parts of the story. Write keywords, simple sentences or sentences with descriptive words (depending on your child’s confidence) 


Topic Challenge: Build a bug hotel outside, using a range of natural resources. Twigs, leaves, stones, grass etc.   See how many ‘guests’ come to stay! 

Thank you. 

Enjoy the sunshine, don’t forget the sun cream! 


The Reception Team. 

Wednesday 24th June 2020


Good morning everyone,


We hope you have been enjoying the challenges so far this week and also the beautiful weather!!


The children have loved making their minibeast hotels and cannot wait to see who moves in them!


Here are today’s challenges :-


Numeracy challenge : Continuation of Estimation

Continue practising estimation. Remind the children that the answer does not have to be correct, just a sensible guess. Remember to get them to  write their estimation down before they count so they can compare it to the actual amount.


Literacy challenge : Create a story map

Together create a story map for the story “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” which you read on Monday. (Remember a story map is just a series of pictures/drawings telling the main points of a story). Think about what happened at the beginning of the story, in the middle and at the end. Use pictures to retell what happened.


Topic Challenge : Habitats

A “habitat” is the place where an insect/animal lives. First, look at all the different types of homes for minibeasts. Then play the game “where would a …… Choose a different insect each time. You could use a spider, woodlouse, ant, snail etc. You could even make the habitats. A spider web could be made using a paper plate and string or some twigs and string.


We can’t wait to see your pictures and videos on Tapestry. We have had some amazing work so far.


Stay safe and well and enjoy the outdoors!

The Reception Team

Monday 22nd June 2020


Hello everybody. We hope you have had a lovely weekend.


This week is the second week of our topic “Why do ladybirds have spots?” Last week we discussed what minibeasts were and explored our school grounds on a big hunt.


This week we will be discussing what habitats we found and where different minibeasts live. This will encourage lots of outdoor learning so we would love to see your activities being brought outside too. Please remember to share all your pictures and videos on Tapestry so we can show them to your friends in school.


Please check on our Reception class page for our home learning topic web for more ideas to use throughout the week. Here are today’s challenges :-


Numeracy challenge - Estimation

Introduce estimation by having some small objects in your hand (marbles are good for this) and having a guess at how many there are. Write down the number you think and then count the items to see if you were near. Explain to your child that the answer does not have to be right, just near. Now let your child have a turn. Hold some items in your hand and let them estimate how many there are (do not let them count the items yet). Again, write down the number they think and then let them count the items correctly. Was their estimation close to the total? Take it in turns estimating different amounts. (Judge the amount of objects you use by their ability).


Literacy challenge - Act out the story 

Together read the book “the Very Hungry Caterpillar” 🐛 Here is the link for YouTube if you do not have a copy :-

After reading or listening to the story, act it out together.


Topic challenge - What is a lifecycle?

Explain to your child that a cycle is something that goes round and round continuously and a lifecycle is no different. A lifecycle is the cycle of life that all creatures go through. Introduce your child to a caterpillar and ask what caterpillars turn into. Then go through the rest of lifecycle - egg, caterpillar, cocoon, butterfly and then back to egg. You could ask your child to draw pictures to show this.


Last week we saw some amazing work on tapestry so please keep up the good work. The children in school love to see what you have been doing.


Have lots of fun learning,


The Reception Team 😃

Minibeast Home Learning for week commencing 22nd June
