Week 17 (Last school week of Year 3!) 13th July - 17th July
Week 17 - 13th-17th July Communication
Maths - Week 17 13th -17th July
English Week 17 13th -17th July
English 13th July
To write a diary entry.
TASK: Writing
Go through the power point to remind yourself of what a diary entry is and what it should include.
Write your own diary entry of a day during school closure. (Any since 23rd March until now), A day that stood out to you personally.
Check you have included the following:
- Capital letters and full stops in addition to other punctuation.
- A wide variety of conjunctions: because, so, and, but.
- Use some personal pronouns: I, we, my, me.
- Edit your work then add in anything you may have missed.
- Add some feeling words into your diary.
English Reading - Week 17 - A Book of Hopes
This week’s reading tasks take you to a book called:
The Book of Hopes: Words and Pictures to Comfort, Inspire and Entertain Children in Lockdown
Edited by Katherine Rundell, with contributions from more than 100 children’s writers and illustrators
Click the link to read the book.
This book available online is Completely free for all children and families and has a collection of lovely short stories, poems, essays and pictures with contributions from more than 110 children’s writers and illustrators, including Lauren Child, Anthony Horowitz, Greg James and Chris Smith, Michael Morpurgo, Liz Pichon, Axel Scheffler, Francesca Simon and Jacqueline Wilson.
The collection, published by Bloomsbury, is dedicated to the doctors, nurses, carers, porters, cleaners and everyone currently working in hospitals.
You can read all the book but looking at a selection I have selected these for your age:
• The Monk and the Armadillo - Onjali Q.Rauf, p.8
• Say Something Nice – A.F Harrold, p. 36
• Vince – Sarah Crossan, p. 84
• Shark Puncher – Jessica Townsend, p.120
• Moses and the Watering Can – Willian Sutcliffe, p.146
• The Zoom of Doom – Francesca Simon, p.149
• Jack and the Ram – Sally Gardner, p.196
• The Creature in the Cave – Jenny McLachlan, p. 233
• The Demon Goalkeeper – Alex Wheatle, p.257
• Jeddi’s Attic – Aisha Bushby, p.264
• My First Expedition to the Wilderness – Ed Clarke, p.287
• How To Start a Story – James Campbell, p.323
• The Incredible Instant Joke-Creating Machine Susie Day, p. 332
• The Indigo Flamingo – Nick Lake, p. 34
PSHE - Week 17 13th -17th July - Review and Reflect on Year 3
Make a Jar of Hopes
After reading some of the short stories and poems think about your own hopes for the future.
Think about the coming year. What are you hoping for? It could be for time to play games with friends, activities with your family, visiting places, a skill you would like to learn, a talent you would like to develop, a book you would like to read. Think about the things you have missed out on this year that you would like to do next year.
• Find a jar with a lid.
• Write down each idea on a separate piece of paper and fold it up small.
• Put each one in the jar.
• Decorate the jar.
• When September comes you could take one ‘hope’ out of the jar each week and see if you can achieve it.

Create a memory wheel of Year 3. Create a memory wheel of your time in Year 3.
Choose around 6 or 8 memories that are special or stand out in your memory.
Divide a circle into segments and draw/write about your memories in each section.
This will be a special way of remembering the past year.