Hello Nursery!
We are so proud of Nursery's home learning, you are all doing a great job!
For today's Literacy activity, listen to the Kicking a Ball story again (the link is on Mondays page).
The main character's favourite thing to do is kicking a ball! What is your favourite thing to do? My favourite thing to do at the moment is playing a game with my family. Ask the people in your house bubble what their favourite thing to do is.
At the bottom of the page is a sheet that you can use to show us your favourite thing to do. Or you can draw it on your own bit of paper.
Can you say a sentence to go with your picture? "My favourite thing to do is......"
Math's - Our new topic is about being active, now here's your chance!
Your grown up will show you a number between 0-5, 0-10, 0-15 or 0-20.
Now do that many jumps, hops, squats, turns, skips and count each one out loud.
Try a new number.
When you have done a few challenge someone in your house bubble to have a go!
For today's final activity visit the site Duckie Deck
There are loads of quick fun games on here which are good for hand eye coordination, puzzle solving, discussion as well as just being a bit silly and fun!
The one I want you to try out today is
You need to match up the sports equipment. This is a good activity to promote discussion about different sports. If there are some that your child isn't familiar with maybe watch some clips on YouTube?
Don't forget to keep a record of your home learning on Tapestry and i'll be adding some new activities and awarding some certificates on Friday!
Have a good couple of days,
Mrs Hempstead and the Nursery Team