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Sir Francis Hill Community Primary School

'Learn, Achieve, Succeed'


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Happy Wednesday Nursery!

Today we are going to continue thinking about rhyming words.

Have a sing and do some actions of your favourite rhyming songs, 5 little Monkeys, 1,2,3,4,5 Once I Caught, Twinkle Twinkle etc

Tell your grown up about rhyming words. "Rhyming words are words that..............."


Play Odd One Out-

Ask your grown up to say 4 words, 3 that rhyme and one that doesn't. 

eg. cat                     




Listen really carefully. Can you hear the word that doesn't sound like the others? That's the odd one out! If your grown up writes the words down you might be able to spot what is different.

Play Odd One Out several times with different rhymes.

For today's Maths activity we are going to do some more estimating!  Can you remember what estimating is? It's a careful guess!

Below is an activity sheet from Twinkl with some fun ideas for estimating. Try them out over this week and see if your skills improve!

Estimating Activities

For the final activity we'd like you to think about the story Ready Steady Mo! again. Have another read, the link is on Monday's page.

Mo travels all around his local area and beyond, the pages are a bit like a journey.


Now think about your local area.

"Where do you live and where do you go?"

What do you see when you go for a walk? Shops? Library? Park? Houses? Post box?

Next time you go out in your local area look really carefully and when you get home draw a picture of all the things you passed on your journey. You could take some photos to remind you and help you with your drawings back at home.


Have a lovely couple of days, enjoy the weather and your home learning and don't forget to pop some photos on Tapestry for us to seesmiley


Mrs Hempstead and the Nursery Team
