Good Morning Nursery,
We hope you have had a good weekend and are feeling ready for this week's home learning.
As always, the gallery on this page will be updated daily so you can all see the Nursery learning that is going on in and out of school.
Today's reading activity is to listen to and follow the story Ready Steady Mo! by Mo Farah.
If you don't know who Mo Farah is, ask your grown up. You could find a clip of him on YouTube to watch.
This is another rhyming book. Can you remember what a rhyming word is from last week?
Listen to the story again. What rhyming words can you hear? Can you add another rhyming word that fits with the ones on each page?
For our Maths activity today and Wednesday, we are going to think about estimating.
Estimating means having sensible guess before you check the actual answer.
A few weeks ago one of the home learning activities was to play Kim's Game to develop your memory skills and concentration.
This week you are going to play it to help your number and estimating skills.
1.Get your grown up to put a few items on a surface and cover them up with a tea-towel.
2.Lift the cloth off for a few seconds and look at the objects then cover them again.
3.How many objects do you think there were?
4.Count the objects. Were you right? Were you close? Too many? Too few?
Play the game lots of times with different objects and different people. Who is the best estimator in your house?

For our Knowledge and Understanding of the World (Science) activity this week we are going to think about what happens to our bodies when we exercise.
How do you feel at the moment? Hot? Cold? Just right? Are you breathing normally?
Now do something energetic! Have a dance, a run around, do some gym, go on the trampoline, go up and downstairs lots of times.
How do you feel now? Hot? Cold? Just right?
Are you breathing ok?
Can you feel anything in your chest?
Look in the mirror, do you look any different?
Have a chat with your grown ups about how you are feeling. Why do you think you are feeling this way?
If you can, send us a video or a photo to show what happened to your body when you exercised.
We hope you enjoy these activities. Keep an eye out for your friends in the learning galleries and come back on Wednesday for some new things to do!