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Sir Francis Hill Community Primary School

'Learn, Achieve, Succeed'


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Monday 6th July

Good morning everyone.


We hope you all had a fantastic time during Sports Week last week. All our Bubbles in school enjoyed getting sporty and we loved hearing about all of your activities as well!


This week we are returning to our minibeast topic, focusing on different types of camouflage that minibeasts have. This will encourage lots of outdoor learning so we would love to see your activities being brought outside. Please check on our Reception class page for our home learning Topic Web for more ideas to use throughout the week. 


Here are today’s Home Learning Challenges :- 


Numeracy challenge: Number 12

Last week we learnt about the number 11. Today we are going to look at the number 12. With your child, explore different ways of how to make 12. Then watch this Number Blocks episode:-


Compare the number 12 on the video with the ones which you have made. Did you make all the possible combinations?


Can you find the number 12 in the real world? You might find it on a clock, on a watch, or a house number!


Using a number line up to 20 or number cards lined up in order, work out how you add on from 12. Roll a dice and practise moving up the number line remembering to start at 12  (e.g. 12 + 2 rolled from dice = 14). Keep practising and when confident, write each turn down as a number sentence too. After that, continue rolling the dice but this time instead of adding and moving up the number line, move down the number line by taking away (e.g. 12 – 4 rolled from dice = 8).


Literacy challenge: favourite minibeast

Search for some minibeast pictures to look at. Pick your favourite one and explain why you like it. Can you think of some interesting words to describe it? Draw the picture in the middle of the paper (or if able, print the picture off and stick it in the middle) and write your describing words around it (similar to a Mind Map). If you are feeling confident, try writing a sentence which includes one of your describing words!


Topic challenge: Camoflauge

This week we are learning about camouflage. What is camouflage? Discuss how animals can use camouflage to help hide in their environment. 

Adult: take a set of pipe cleaners or material outside (making sure some of them are green) and throw them onto the grass. Ask the children to find them. Did they find them all?  The green ones were more difficult to find because they were nearly the same colour as the grass. Use different colours for different environments if this is easier! 


Please remember to share all your pictures and videos with us. We love to see all your home learning activities.


Have fun everyone,

Reception Home Learning.


