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Sir Francis Hill Community Primary School

'Learn, Achieve, Succeed'


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Week 12 8th June -12th June

English - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Story by Roald Dahl

Art Examples

Food Journeys 10th & 11th June


  • If we said, “Where do bananas come from?” How many of you would reply with the answer, “Tesco” or “Asda”  J

Find out where food comes from?

Research the journey taken by a banana or another non-native fruit or food item of your choice, from its country of origin to the fruit bowl at your house. Plot the route on a world map. Two videos to watch to help you (The banana story):


You can do your work on a map, make a powerpoint, do a poster, write a non-chronological report. This will be for you to decide how to present it. This may take you a couple of days to do. Take your time and you will find out that bananas have travelled a long way before reaching our supermarket shelves.


The story of the chocolate journey: 
