Illness and Bereavement.

Illness and Bereavement.
Unfortunately, all children will have to deal with loss and bereavement at some time in their life, whether that be the loss/illness of a loved one, a family pet or parent's divorce.
There are many services, charities and strategies available to support families with the death, loss or illness of a loved one. The following links can direct you to some of the many. Please let your child's class teacher know if your family has been affected in order to work together providing appropriate support.
The Grief Toolbox - Information on local support groups.
Grief Encounter - Information and advice on supporting bereaved children, young people and families during the Coronavirus pandemic
Children and bereavement - NHSInformation, advice and suggestions that could help if your child has lost a loved one or if a loved one is dying.
Child Bereavement - helping children and young people (up to age 25), parents, and families, to rebuild their lives when a child grieves or when a child dies. We also provide training to professionals, equipping them to provide the best possible care to bereaved families
Sue Ryder - supporting a child -Supporting a child through bereavement. How do you support a bereaved child? Should children come to the funeral? Find guidance on these questions when supporting a child who has been bereaved.
Winston Wish - Supporting bereaved children since 1992 and continue to lead the way in providing specialist child bereavement support services across the UK. This includes in-depth therapeutic support in individual, group and residential settings, as well as a Freephone National Helpline, training for professionals and specialist publications.
Family Liaison service - Unfortunately, the virus may see some vulnerable people admitted to hospital over the next few weeks. Hospitals in Lincolnshire have suspended all visits to slow down the spread of the virus, but they have set up a new Family Liaison service to keep families connected. - safe space to express grief in a supported environment.