Hello Nursery Home Learners! What an interesting weekend of weather we have just had, if we were in Nursery we would be changing the chart every few minutes! Did you spot a rainbow?
Today begins week 3 of our How High Can You Jump topic. Had we all been in school as normal, this week would also be our Sport's Week and we would've had our Sport's Day.
Since this isn't possible this year, Mrs Garner and the PE team have organised a virtual sport's day!
There are 6 different challenges to have a go at over the week. Keep your score and record it on the link given. On Friday I sent out a picture on Tapestry showing everyone's house team. All scores submitted go towards the final total for the teams, so make sure you add your scores to the right team!
For our number work today you will need some pegs, these pegs are going to be legs, spider's legs!
Draw and cut out a spider body shape then ask your grown up to choose a number. Your job is to count out that many pegs and add them to the spider, like legs! Do it several times with different numbers each time, maybe the grown up, or you, could write the number down too.
The final activity for you to have fun with today is a Knowledge and Understanding of the World (Science) investigation.
We want you to find out all about spiders! You can do this however you like, look in books, on the internet, search in the garden, ask someone.
Take photos, draw pictures, make models, do a dance, sing a us what you have found out about spiders!
Remember, if you find any real spiders, be very gentle and always put them back where you found them
Have a super couple of days exercising your brain and body and we look forward to seeing your learning!
from Mrs Hempstead and the Nursery Team