Home Learning
See what we've been up to at home
Daily English and Maths lessons
BBC Bitesize Daily lessons
Daily work out for children
Joe Wicks PE lesson Daily Workout
Go Noodle: Good Energy at Home activities Activities and routines to keep children physically and mentally active at home.
Additional daily curriculum activities
Daily Maths Lesson Year 2
Maths Home Learning White Rose provide free resources for teaching maths at home
Maths Home Learning 2 Particularly good for worksheets if you have the ability to print but also lots of links to tablet-friendly games.
Primary Science with LSST Science facts and a weekly simple experiment/investigation.
Free Online Resources
Learning Platforms Abacus, Numbots, Spelling Shed, Sumdog & TTRS
Sing Up Home learning link for music at home. Don't forget to mention to the children that silence too is part of music!
Mr T Tells Tales Mr Turner talks stories, writing activities to do at home and more.
Oxford Owl - free e-books free e-books (you just need to register, but it's all free)
Spelling Spelling Shed
Home Learning Packs