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Sir Francis Hill Community Primary School

'Learn, Achieve, Succeed'


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Happy Friday Nursery! Well done on another week of home learning.

A big well done goes to Safiya for some super learning from home this week as well as being in Nursery! You can see your certificate on Friday's page and I have emailed it to you, well done.

Thank you to those of you that took part in the SFH virtual Sport's Day this week. We will let you know the winning team as soon as all the scores have been added up.


Friday is the day we practice writing our name! Remember you can do this however you like, you don't have to stick to a pen and paper. Try one of the ideas below or come up with some creative ways of your own! Once you have sorted your first name, try your surname or the names of people that are special to you.

For your Maths activity today, give the Ladybird games below a try. There are 3 games to choose from to practice your counting, matching and ordering. Your grown up can select the levels for you. 

Your Creative activity today is to make your own spider or even your own Spinderella!

There are some ideas below but use anything you have at home to create your spider, it could be a colourful spider.

Spider Craft Ideas

Don't forget to send us pictures of your home learning from the week so we can share some of it with your friends in the gallery on the SFH website.

Have a great weekend,

from Mrs Hempstead and the Nursery Team
