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Sir Francis Hill Community Primary School

'Learn, Achieve, Succeed'


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Spring 1 - Starry Night

This project explores the differences in the world at night compared to during the day. It teaches children about the importance of a good night’s sleep, and helps them to discover what is happening in the world while they are sleeping, including finding out about nocturnal animals.


Supporting your child at home

  • Look at the night sky and see how many stars you can see each night.
  • See how the Moon changes shape each night.
  • Go on a short walk after dark or go into the garden. Take a torch to light the way. Discuss how things look different in the dark.




MathsNumber; Numerical patterns
PDGross motor skills; Fine motor skills
PSEDSelf-regulation; Managing self; Building relationships
WorldPast and present; The natural world
Exp A&DCreating with materials; Being imaginative and expressive
CLListening, attention and understanding; Speaking
LiteracyComprehension; Word reading; Writing

Mini Topic - Winter Wonderland
