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Sir Francis Hill Community Primary School

'Learn, Achieve, Succeed'


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El Submarino Amarillo

Still image for this video
A clip of Year 3/4 singing assembly performing Yellow Submarine by the Beatles in Spanish.

Sharing a PowerPoint about 'La Patarrona'. This is a festival celebrated in Spain. The PowerPoint was created for us to share by children in our partner school in Spain.



Studying a language in primary school provides children with skills that are essential for the twenty-first century. As well as giving them the opportunity to learn a second language, an increasingly important skill in our globalised society, it also helps to promote and develop a broader intercultural understanding.


Our aim is to develop an enthusiastic and positive attitude to other languages and language learning. We hope to encourage a life-long learning of languages among our pupils in order to enhance their understanding of the world and their future economic well-being. Our main objective in the teaching of a modern foreign language at primary school is to promote the early development of linguistic competence and an understanding of other cultures.



It is statutory in the National Primary Curriculum that every pupil in KS2 learns a foreign language and that pupils should make ‘substantial progress in one language’. The children are introduced to a range of languages in the Foundation Stage and KS1 by learning to respond to their daily register by saying ‘Hello’ in different languages across the school year. In KS1, the children are introduced to the following activities in Spanish:

  • Singing songs – Happy birthday (with actions to aid memory), counting songs (cross-curricular link to Numeracy),
  • Learning names of meal choices for lunch time, e.g. packed lunch, vegetarian option, jacket potato etc
  • Labelling of and learning names of commonly used classroom objects, e.g. pencil, ruler, tray, table, coat etc

In KS2, the children are introduced to a long term plan of themed units to support the development of language learning in Spanish. 

It is generally agreed that children learning languages should progress from listening to speaking to reading to writing, in that order.

Teaching time

Listening and basic speaking in FS/KS1 – 25 mins a week/5 mins a day during register time

Listening/speaking/reading in LKS2 – 35 mins dedicated lesson time/5 mins a day during register time

Listening/speaking/reading/writing in UKS2 - 35 mins dedicated lesson time/5 mins a day during register time



Through the subject of Modern Foreign Languages. children will:

• familiarise themselves with the sounds and written form of a modern foreign language;

• begin to understand a new language, and communicate in it;

• make comparisons between languages;

• learn about different countries and their people, and work with materials from different countries, thus increasing their awareness of other cultures;

• develop a positive attitude towards the learning of foreign languages in general;

• use their knowledge of the foreign language with growing confidence, both to understand what they hear and read, and to express themselves in different ways;

• acquire, through all of the above, a sound basis for further study at Key Stage 3 and beyond.


The study of a second language also supports children’s literacy and oracy in school, by raising awareness of aspects of their own language(s), thereby enriching their understanding of both.

Earlystartonline login details:

Password: childrensfh1


Click the tab 'PUPIL WELCOME' then select 'SPANISH 1'.



Parent/child guide to logging onto earlystartonline

Apps to support the learning and practice of Spanish at home:




Gus on the Go


Endless Spanish



As a whole school we have successfully met the criteria for the Foundation level of the British Council International School Award, a fantastic achievement for our school community.


"Sir Francis Hill Community Primary School has successfully met the criteria for the Foundation International School Certificate. Your Chinese New Year activity has engaged all the pupils in a variety of tasks that allow them to learn about a different culture, as well as introducing a new language."







Our school community is currently working to achieve the International Schools Award Accreditation Award. To achieve this will include further work of an international nature plus the development of links and activities with an international partner school.

Our international work
