Welcome to Sir Francis Hill Primary School!
Sir Francis Hill Primary School is a vibrant school where children are enthusiastic and motivated to achieve endless possibilities. The children are at the heart of every decision we make, to ensure that they are happy, confident and that the opportunities that are provided for them are relevant to their needs both now and in the future.
At Sir Francis Hill we have a highly committed and professional staff dedicated to supporting and guiding your child's development. Relationships, attitudes, and behaviour are very positive and ethos exists in which learning together becomes an enjoyable and fulfilling experience for all. This instils confidence, resourcefulness and a willingness to learn. It gives the children a solid stepping stone to take responsibility for their future, and the confidence to go on and make important life decisions. We aim to provide the very best education and experiences to prepare them for the next steps in life.
We believe that children should be curious about their learning. Through our engaging curriculum, we ensure that children can foster a passion for learning that will help to develop high aspirations and a lifetime of memories. We believe in ensuring that children receive a well-rounded curriculum; where individual talents can be spotted and nurtured to ensure that all children experience success and reach their full potential.
The happiness, well-being and success of every child are of utmost importance to us and it is only through a supportive partnership between child, parent and school that we can achieve this. We hope to work together to help your child become the very best they can be.
We look forward to working with you and your children!