Happy Friday SFH Nursery!
Have a go at these 3 fun activities to finish off your 13th home learning week
Writing-Today you are going to practice writing your name. Start with your first name and if you get that cracked try your surname and the names of the people in your family bubble.
You can do this however you like, you don't need to use pens and paper! Pick one of the ways below to try out today. We will be practising this every week so you can choose another way next time.
Name practice ideas

We are going to make collections for today's maths activity. Choose a number between 0-10, up to 20 if you can count that far!
Go around your house, inside and out, and make some collections. Each collection must be the amount you choose.
For example if you chose an 8....8 pieces of pasta, 8 toy cars, 8 blades of grass, 8 leaves etc
Put your collections in one place and take a photo of your work and pop it on Tapestry for us to see!
Now this is my favourite activity of the week, ball painting!
We have done this in Nursery before with ping pong balls, golf balls and marbles but feel free to use whatever you have available.
There are a few different ways of doing this activity, the clue is in the name, so I'll leave it up to you to get creative....and messy!

Have a super weekend everyone!
from Mrs Hempstead and the Nursery Team