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Sir Francis Hill Community Primary School

'Learn, Achieve, Succeed'


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‘Anyone who knows history, particularly the history of Europe, will, I think, recognise that the domination of education or of government by one particular religious faith is never a happy arrangement for the people’

Eleanor Roosevelt


Our Intent

At Sir Francis Hill we believe that a challenging and engaging Religious Education curriculum makes a distinctive contribution to developing pupils’ knowledge and understanding of religion and faith, and allows children to explore issues within, and also between, faiths. It enables pupils to respond to important questions related to spiritual development and the meaning and purpose of life. We intend that our RE curriculum, which studies a number of world religions, will reflect diversity in terms of the changing religious landscape of the UK so that they are prepared for life in modern Britain.



Our Implementation

At Sir Francis Hill RE is taught through the terms set out in the Locally Agreed Syllabus of 2018. RE is an essential part of the curriculum at SFH and we follow the guidance set out in the syllabus, meaning that the children will study at least three religions in depth during their time in school and compare to others. They will have the opportunity to discover religious beliefs, events and celebrations through the areas of God, Being Human, Community, worship and celebration & Life Journey: Rites of passage.


Through sound knowledge of religions and faiths, teachers can deliver meaningful, clear lessons which check for the child’s understanding of facts, but also give the child the opportunity to be inquisitive, make connections between faiths and embed their knowledge in a safe environment. This will be done through:

  • taking part in whole school events to celebrate religious festivals and important days
  • responding to the learning through writing, drama, computing/IT, art and music
  • making visits to places of worship in our local community and further afield
  • comparing world faiths
  • debating and discussing thoughts in a safe way
  • handling artefacts of religious importance
  • learning from their peers


Our RE curriculum contributes to a child’s cultural and social development as they acquire knowledge about other faiths, cultures and traditional ideas. In line with the British Values curriculum, it will develop a child’s tolerance to other’s beliefs and values and develop them as British citizens.



Our Impact

Throughout their time at Sir Francis Hill, our aim is for our children to develop detailed knowledge and skills through an engaging and well thought out curriculum, where they will feel valued for their beliefs and also value the thoughts of others. They will leave SFH, feeling a member of a strong community where they have the confidence to speak their mind, make decisions and be life-long learners. 

Reviewed RE Policy 2024/2026

RE Long Term Planning

Assessment of RE at SFH 2021-2022
