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Sir Francis Hill Community Primary School

'Learn, Achieve, Succeed'


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School Uniform

We believe that a school uniform promotes a sense of belonging and pride in our school, therefore, it is expected that all children wear school uniform on normal school days.


Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child's name.


Non-stitch/Non-iron name labels can be ordered from using our school code of 18017, this will generate commission on all labels purchased for school. Clicking the link to the right will take you to the site.


Uniform items can be purchased from the following suppliers:-


Or from our SFH second-hand uniform online store:-



Grey or black trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore dress (Nursery only option: grey or black plain joggers, shorts or leggings) 

Grey, white or black tights or socks

White shirt or blouse

White or royal blue polo shirts (Nursery only option: plain white or royal blue round neck t-shirt)

Royal blue sweatshirt / cardigan

Royal blue gingham dress


Sensible black shoes are to be worn for all children. They must be black, including black soles, and plain - with no logos or designs. 


Boots may be worn in school. However to comply with our uniform policy these boots must be:

  • completely flat, no heel at all
  • all black
  • like our shoe policy - have no logo or designs 
  • have a height that sits on the ankle or below



Royal blue SFH PE top

Black shorts

Black plimsolls (indoor PE)

Trainers (outdoor PE)

Tracksuits may be worn for outdoor games

SFH Hoodie (outdoor PE)



Nursery children only need indoor PE footwear and they do not need to buy PE kit and Reception children do not take part in outdoor PE until the summer term. 


The footwear children wear for school should be appropriate for the weather and enable them to be active as we encourage outdoor learning. Winter boots / wellington boots may be worn to and from school during bad weather and can be kept in a named bag in school for outdoor use, but indoor shoes must be brought to school for use in the classrooms.  


Jewellery, hair and make up 

In addition, on health and safety grounds, we do not allow children to wear jewellery in our school. If a child wishes to have their ear(s) pierced, we ask that they wear simple studs that can be covered or removed during PE lessons. Inexpensive watches may be worn. However, if a watch is designed for taking photos, games or making disruptive noises it should not be worn for school.  


The school does not permit children to have extreme haircuts or colouring that could serve as a distraction to other children. Hair bands, clips etc. should be discreet designs, ideally in colours compatible with school colours and only used to keep hair in place. Long hair should be tied back for practical subjects, including P.E. Some hair ornaments may need to be removed for P.E. on the grounds of health and safety. Make-up and fake tattoos are not appropriate. 


We request that everyone complies with this expectation so that everyone attending our school is wearing appropriate, smart, and safe clothing. We believe that parents/carers have a duty to send their children to school correctly dressed and ready for their daily schoolwork. Parents should ensure that their child has the correct uniform, and that all items should be clearly marked with the child’s name. 


Acceptance of our uniform policy forms part of our Home-School Agreement. In the event of your child not wearing the correct uniform to school, in the first instance a member of staff would have a discrete discussion with the child and the child will be given alternate items to wear during that school day (i.e. plimsols), with their non-compliant uniform item returned to them at the end of the school day. Parents will also be notified by the class teacher. If the issue continues parents/carers will be contacted and asked to bring the correct clothing into school for the child to change into. 
