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Sir Francis Hill Community Primary School

'Learn, Achieve, Succeed'


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Progression across key stages

All learning objectives have been mapped to the National Centre for Computing Education’s taxonomy of ten strands, which ensures that units build on each other from one key stage to the next.


Progression Of Skills

Please click here for the progression of computing skills across the school

Progression of Skills


Progression across year groups

Within the Teach Computing Curriculum, every year group learns through units within the same four themes, which combine the ten strands of the National Centre for Computing Education’s taxonomy (see table below). This approach allows us to use the spiral curriculum approach to progress skills and concepts from one year group to the next.



Computing systems and networks


Data and information

Creating media

       Taxonomy Strands

Computer Systems


               Computer Networks





  Design and Development
    Data and information

Creating Media


Design and Development

Effective Use of Tools

Impact of technology

Safety and security


Progression within a Unit — Learning Graphs

Learning graphs are provided as part of each unit and demonstrate progression through concepts and skills. In order to learn some of those concepts and skills, pupils need prior knowledge of others, so the learning graphs show which concepts and skills need to be taught first and which could be taught at a different time.

The learning graphs often show more statements than there are learning objectives. All of the skills and concepts learnt are included in the learning graphs. Some of these skills and concepts are milestones, which form learning objectives, while others are smaller steps towards these milestones, which form success criteria. Please note that the wording of the statements may be different in the learning graphs than in the lessons, as the learning graphs are designed for teachers, whereas the learning objectives and success criteria are age-appropriate so that they can be understood by pupils. In each year group, there are two ‘Programming’ units of work, but only one ‘Programming’ learning graph. The second ‘Programming’ unit builds on the content that was taught in the first ‘Programming’ unit so closely that there is no specific divide where one ends and the other begins.
