Week 14 22nd June - 26th June
Communication Week 14 22nd-26th June
English - Instructions/ Recipes Week 14 22nd June - 26th June
Wednesday 24th June (To be completed after baking or making something)
Today is baking, making or cooking day. We have added some recipe ideas for you to make something, which is linked to weighing in Maths. You can make anything but if you are stuck for ideas - can you design a healthy snack bar. Basically, how can you liven up some flapjack - what can you add to your recipe to make a healthy snack bar? Some ideas, could be dried raisins, dried chopped apricots, dried chopped mango - I am sure you have other wonderful ideas. After you have made something delicious can you write up your recipe following the layout of the recipes we have looked at over the last two days. Remember the features and include:
- “How to…” in the title
- Lists (e.g. materials/ingredients/equipment)
- Numbers/letters or bullet points to show order
- Short, clear sentences
- Diagrams/ illustrations
- Imperative Verbs (e.g. mix/stir)
When you have written up your recipe please share it with us so we can put these together. Sharing recipe ideas is great and other people can have a go at following your recipe and having a try themselves. "Off you go - Get Baking!"
Maths - Measuring Week 14 22nd June - 26th June
Maths - Problem Solving Thurs 25th & Fri 26th June
Science Week 14 22nd - 26th June
Music Week 14 22nd - 26th June

Your Imagination
Listen and Appraise
Pure Imagination from ‘Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory’ soundtrack
Listen carefully to the song 'Pure Imagination.' Perhaps close your eyes. Use your imagination as you enjoy the music. You might see colours, words, pictures, or encounter lots of different feelings. Share some of this with your family after you have listened.
Play the music/song again and choose how you respond to it:
- Move to the music. You could create a sequence of dance moves and perform you own dance.
- As you listen you can make notes, draw, write down any words that comes to your mind and create your own listening map - a visual representation of what you hear.
- Listen to ‘Pure Imagination’ sing along. Use this to learn a new song. You could record it and send a video of it to special family members.
Keys questions?
● Does this song tell a story? Perhaps the words tell a story or perhaps the music creates a story in your imagination. What is that story?
● What can you hear? An orchestra with percussion. A male voice.
● How does the music make you feel? Music brings many emotions along with it and often each person feels something different. Perhaps share with your family how the music makes you feel.
● What did you like about the song? It doesn't matter if you like or don't like a song or a piece of music. Think about the reasons why you do or don't and share some of these reasons with your family.
Art - Painting with Chocolate Week 14 22nd - 26th June

Painting with Chocolate
Follow the instructions on the video clip - you will need: Chocolate (!), a plastic wallet, food bags, Patience!
- Jackson Pollock was an American artist. He was part of a group of artists called the abstract expressionists. They used their art to show their emotions, like happiness or anger. How do you think he was feeling when he painted these paintings?
- To make his paintings, Pollock dripped paint onto large canvases on the floor. This way of painting was called action painting. He would move very quickly across the painting, dribbling the paint in a long, wobbly line. Look at the mess he made!