Hello Nursery,
Today's first activity is All About You! The children in school have been completing this sheet ready to pass on to their new class teachers and we'd like you to have the opportunity to do the same.
Have a chat to your grown up about your time in Nursery, what you liked doing best in Nursery and what you were good at. Who are your friends? Then, have a think again about yourself, what are you like? What do you want to be when you are older?
When you are ready, have a go at filling in the sheet below.
You can pop a photo of it on Tapestry and then your new teachers will automatically see it in your journal, or you can give them your sheet in September.
All About Me Sheet
At the beginning of the week, you named and looked for some 2D shapes, now see if you can make some 2D shapes of your own. You could use items you have at home, like straws, lolly sticks etc or you could go outside and use sticks, long grasses etc.
We look forward to seeing the shapes you make!

For this next activity you need to look at the photographs below. They are all pictures of our Reception spaces and the different areas you will be using in September. Before lockdown, some of you had already visited Reception to say hello and explore. Can you remember going there? It might look a bit different as it is now set up for social distancing and some areas will probably look a bit different again in September!
Have a chat about things you notice that are the same and different to Nursery.
Take a look around Reception...
Have a super couple of days and we will round off Nursery home learning for this year on Friday!
From Mrs Hempstead and the Nursery Team