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Sir Francis Hill Community Primary School

'Learn, Achieve, Succeed'


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Hello Nursery! 


This is the last week of our How High Can You Jump topic, next week will be our last week of Nurserysurprise and we will be thinking about moving on to Reception and Summer!


For now, here are some activities for you to have a go at over the next couple of days. 


This weeks story is The Hare and the Tortoise. It is a very old and well known story, ask your grown ups if they can tell you this story. Then have a listen to the version below...

Author Alison Murray reads her book Hare and Tortoise

As the author said, this is an old fable. A fable is a story that teaches us something. The story teaches us that slow and steady wins the race! 


For our Maths work this week we'd like you to think about postional language. These are words we use to describe or tell someone where something is. These are really useful words to understand and be able to use in daily life.

  • Next to
  • In front of
  • Beside
  • Behind
  • Under
  • Over
  • Below
  • Above
  • Around
  • On
  • Off
  • Top
  • Outside
  • Inside

Do you know what all these words mean? Practise saying them and following some instructions, containing these words, from your grown ups. 

Finally for this week's Knowledge and Understanding of the World (Science) work, we want you to find out about hare's and tortoise's. Do you know what a hare is?


What are the same about them and what is different?

Think about what they look like, how they move, what they eat and where they live.

At the beginning of the story there are descriptions of them both which might help. You could use the internet to find pictures and videos of them. You might have a pet rabbit or a tortoise!


You could talk about the differences or draw a picture, it's up to you!

Enjoy your learning over the next few days, we look forward to seeing what everyone is up to in and out of school this week.

from Mrs Hempstead and the Nursery Team
